Really missing this story. Hope you'll be able to come back soon! And in response to your reply- cool, I remember reading about that from Oliver Sacks. Hopefully James will read about it so he doesn't worry that that is a sign of deterioration.
Reviewer: np Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/10/15 10:36 pm
this is a really interesting story! loved the description of colors James' sees. I do hope that his body doesn't ultimately fail him. looking forward to your next chapter! will it be jarod's and miss parker's pov?
Author's Response:
Hi, thank you! Yes, I decided to give Miss Parker and Jarod half a chapter each, since they are both at the Centre and can show two different sides to what's happening. James' ability to "see" colors is a real neurological condition (minus the telepathy and "soul-reading" part, of course, lol) called synesthesia. It occurs when different parts of the brain's sensory systems become linked or crossed.
Reviewer: np Anonymous [Report This]Date: 14/08/15 06:15 am
Hi just read chapter 1 I like it can't wait for chapter 2.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Chapter 2 is about half done (Gemini's POV). I'm going to rotate between Emily, Gemini, and Jarod/Miss Parker (they get to share chapters.)
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 20/07/15 10:39 pm
Hi just read your story it was very good. I like that your story tells us moe about Gemini lift at Donoterase. Can't wait for more.
Author's Response:
Thank you Katescats. I'm trying to decide what story to do next, toss-up between a sequel to this, where Gemini experiences freedom while Jarod is recaptured, OR a sequel to "To be Free" with twentysomethings J/MP. Hmmm...
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 25/05/14 02:48 am
Hi just read your story it was very good can't wait for the next chaper
Author's Response:
Thanks for hanging in there and reading! Sorry I've been slow to update. I've been working on some stories in another fandom (wow, like admitting adultery there, lol) which has been sucking writing time away from this story.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 01/03/14 12:25 am
hi just read The Healing the sequel to Diale E for Esper and it looks like it's going to be a good story to. I can't wait for the next chaper.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading both stories, I'm glad you liked them! I need to get to work on more ...
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 29/12/13 05:37 am
Hi that was good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 29/12/13 04:39 am
"Seriously, two years out and you've never watched Star Trek?"
You'd think Jarod would totally be into Star Trek!
Author's Response:
Hey, at least he'd heard of it ;-)
I was originally going to put in this whole bit about Annalise making Jarod read classic SF books to round out his education (the "esper" in the title is from a famous Alfred Bester novel from the 50s), but it didn't quite work in the story.
Author's Response:
Hey, at least he'd heard of it ;-)
I was originally going to put in this whole bit about Annalise making Jarod read classic SF books to round out his education (the "esper" in the title is from a famous Alfred Bester novel from the 50s), but it didn't quite work in the story.
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 01/10/13 09:55 pm
I love how the meeting with the family didn't go at all how Jarod- or I!- expected it to. Would love to read more tonight, but have to get to bed. :)
Author's Response:
Poor Jarod, it must so disconcerting to meet people that see right through his BS. :-) Thanks for reading!
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 01/10/13 07:09 am
"Miss Parker, for instance, had been an adorable, hilariously bossy five year old." <-- awesome line! lol- I can totally see it, too! :)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 01/10/13 07:04 am
So much information, so interesting. Please continue. I'm intrigued. Thank you for the update!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more!
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 22/08/13 03:22 pm
Off to a good start MarieL. I'd like to see where this goes. Thanks for sharing.
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 20/08/13 04:08 am