Reviews For Pretender Headquarters Series
Title: Resurrection
Author's Response:

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Date: 14/06/14 03:39 am
Hi I love all of your Pretender Heardquarters series storys.
Author's Response:
Thanks. I really want to start over and really get into the characters and their connections to Jarod but since I know it all in my head it is hard to get on paper.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 14/06/14 03:39 am
Title: Best of Two Worlds
Author's Response:

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Date: 14/06/14 01:26 am
Hi just rsd your story it was very good.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much!
Reviewer: Katrscars Anonymous

Date: 14/06/14 01:26 am
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