Reviews For Dark Half Series
Title: Brief Interlude
Date: 20/04/20 10:28 pm
oh no not finished rats update
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]Date: 20/04/20 10:28 pm
Title: New Genesis
Date: 20/04/20 10:17 pm
that's a very in character miss p. So nice.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]Date: 20/04/20 10:17 pm
Title: New Genesis
Date: 20/04/20 10:13 pm
Soo glad to have found another part of the series. ooh a secret exit. So exciting.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]Date: 20/04/20 10:13 pm
Title: Dark Half

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Date: 20/04/20 10:11 pm
Oooh gotta know what happens now.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed

Date: 20/04/20 10:11 pm
Title: Dark Half
Date: 20/04/20 10:09 pm
Tarzan. lol. Sooo fitting. My nephews were watching something one day and I heard Jarod's voice and went in to why I heard Jarods voice and it was Tarzan! Same thing with young justice. Good job on this series.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]Date: 20/04/20 10:09 pm
Title: Dark Half
Date: 20/04/20 10:02 pm
Wows. I'm hooked.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]Date: 20/04/20 10:02 pm
Title: Dark Half

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Date: 24/01/10 03:31 am
Interesting concept in the doppleganger Jarod. Good plot so far. I can't wait to read the sequels to this.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 24/01/10 03:31 am