Characters: Telling Would Spoil
Classifications: Genres: General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 846
Read Count: 3455
(Complete.) A pretender can become anyone they want to be. A lesser could become someone that anyone chose them to be. Jarod didn't know he knew a lesser, until he learned what happened in his missing days when he died. (Jarod/Parker Romance.)
Miss Parker has a Christmas party. Some guests are invited. Others turn up unannounced.
The world had changed and Parker had managed to figure out how to live in it... or so she thought.
(Complete) Loving freedom, but knowing he can't just let innocent new pretenders live their life in The Centre, Jarod makes a decision. With no plan to get out, and only the small trust of Miss P's team to protect his sims, he and Parker will give new meaning to Sleeping With the Enemy.