Reviews For Forces of Nature
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Title: The Twilight Zone

It's still a typical Pretender episode and I love their dialog and lines like that last sentence. Everyone is in character and it's all well crafted.

Reviewer: Leese Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/08/22 04:54 am
Title: Stormfront

I've heard this is terrifying and finally think I have the courage to read it all. First chapter could easily be an episode of the Pretender tho it's weird that they are alone. That doesn't usually happen. The writing is perfect and it's plausible that they would both want to find Ethan. I'm scared but I love this so far.

Reviewer: Leese Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/08/22 04:49 am
Title: Perdition

Perdition = eternal damnation is the perfect title for this one. Nature. Human nature is a real bitch. You called that one right. His "i'm bigger than you" is ... wild. It comes down to that sometimes to being too small, underweight, outmatched. She had no gun, phone, weapon, and was drugged. Every odd stacked against her. This is terrifying the most terrifying piece of fiction I've ever read. It's a story that needed to be written and couldn't have been easy but look at you go finishing it and doing it perfectly. You're amazingly talented and I'm thrilled to read your work. Bravo! I need a sequel for all three alternate endings now. Please. I'm going nuts trying to wonder what will happen. Please?

Author's Response:

Oh, no. I wasn't expecting additional reviews for this monstrosity. It comes down to someone (Jarod in this case) choosing to commit horrific crimes. He can't blame Raines this time.

Jarod always delivers his spiel when he conquers the baddie: "besides I'm not really a doctor", "I'm not even in the army", etc. His "bigger than you" is a part of his take-down monologue-- because that's what Jarod does.

I don't know that this story needed to be written. Writing this thing was certainly not fun. When I realized I was going to actually write the damn thing I knew I'd have to go all-in and wriite the dark subject matter that no one wants to read about. I knew I couldn't cut corners or police the words. I had to shut off the filter, toss out the censon. It's a common story unfortunately. It's a story that wouldn't stop pestering me. I was going to write fluff and comedy. I wasn't going to touch the dark stuff, never once said: "oh, I want to type vomit-inducing stories." Never.

Scribblers plan; muses laugh.

Sequel? Oh, my God, you're serious, aren't you?

Instead of writing a sequel, I'll do this: This sequel would open in a court room, possibly, after Broots finds Parker finally- after twelve years, give or take a few. I'd work my way back from there to fill readers in on how they came to be in court, how Jarod is arrested, and Parker rescued. Jarod would represent himself, and be found innocent (of course).

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/20 03:55 am
Title: Irreconcilable Differences? (Alternate Ending Two)


This..finally showing the damage and pain just.. pounds all of that trauma I read into place and  I think it's more painful after reading the first alternate ending and knowing that it could have been a bad dream. But it wasn't.

She can finally begin to heal now that she's accepting the truth and not trying to play some game like everythings ok and trying not to act like he broke her. What has been breaking her I think is the pretending and the denial and returning to what hurt her.


Earlier... Jarod holding that syringe and going through that whole thing to reveal what he knew was underneath all along and revealing her fear and how she'd been expecting it...that is so plausible too, it all is, it's just so surreal. I can see him doing it all, like it's a pretend on the series only this one is really painful for him but he has to take her back to that pain so she can admit it and can stop living in denial and finally try to heal. I know at first I was like omg cos he said he couldn't let go of her. He couldn't let go because she would fallen and gotten hurt.


Brilliantly written, plotted. This ending hurts so bad. That's how well it's written. It feels real.

Author's Response:

Oh, fuck. What the hell did I write? Syringes, eh? That sounds somewhat familiar. I'm sorry it feels real. It's not real, fortunately. It's fanfic. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/20 03:49 am
Title: ...In The Abstract (Alternate Ending One)

I read this 12 times. Freaking amazing and a needed break from the abuse and gaslighting of previous chapters. This alternate ending is amazing. Truth being all of your alternate endings could be the real ending. It's a choose your own adventure piece of literature. 

I need to give some backstory here to myself because when I first read this alternate ending I still thought of you as "Queen of Darkness Jarod hater antishipper" and this ... I remember the first time I read this and I had to go back and make sure it was YOU I was reading Mirage. You can have them ... well even when they're normal there's this element of danger but I didn't always see that. I go back and watch the series and I don't know how I didn't see that side of Jarod all along. He stole a man's kidney!!! I should have seen it. He enjoyed terrorizing people he thought were bad.  That's not justice. It's revenge. ON top of revenge they still went to jail to be held accountable.  But this chapter was really as normal as they can be anywhere not that I think they'd ever be the typical normal because of who they are and their history and chemistry and the danger. You wrote this exceptionally expertly well like you always do keeping them in character, being plausible, staying in the canon.

Author's Response:

Twelve? Are you all right? I haven't read this at all; I've heard it's too dark. Ah, the great Jarod-is-a-little-bit-wicked awakening. I knew he was a little wicked the moment the camera focused on him standing in the hospital corridor in the pilot episode-- but I don't know how I knew.

I don't hate Jarod. I love the revenge/justice he brings to the table, and fun fact: one of my favorite scenes is when he's sharing cookies with a small girl and he asks her what she misses most about her father and she answers "my mom's smile" and Jarod responds with a fucking. award. worthy. expression. Bonus points: Jarod tied raw meat to a child molester's junk. He almost-drowned (almost, damn it) rapists for sport. How can I absolutely not love Jarod (except when his revenge/anger/pain is directed at Parker; no one fucks with Miss Parker)?


Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/20 03:40 am
Title: In The Absence Of Light

Doesn't matter how many times I read this my blood goes ice cold everytime I get to that last line. It's such a Jarod move. He toyed with Lyle and that cattle prod and even toyed with Parker with the flaregun. I can't stop seeing him doing this, holding the needle, that menacing look on his face. He's so Crazy.

This is out of the world brilliant psychological horror at its finest Mirage. Damn. It's terrifying. It's amazing.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading, Jameason, and for all of the reviews. I appreciate them all.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 04:33 am
Title: Eternal Sunshine? (Of The Not-So-Spotless-Mind)

Oooooh you know what I hate about the antichoicers? They also say "it's not the fetus's fault." well whoopyfreakingwheepdeedoo they are saying it's the woman's fault. Every time. Nevermind that a woman can have unprotected sex every day of the year and only get pregnant once but a man can have unprotected sex every day of the year and impregnate 365 women. They need to legislate semen.

So when Jarod said "that isn't their fault" I saw red and wanted Parker to toss him off the roof too. It's not her fault. Coerced gestation, coerced parenthood... it's so gross.

You write it perfectly and really explore the complicated stuff.  I can't stop reading.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 04:28 am
Title: Awakening

Ohhh I love that Parker was dreaming of traveling to Texas like her mind is trying to undo it and maybe this is a nod to one of your altnerate endings too. I had a feeling of hope that Zach was theirs. I can't blame her for that reaction either.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 04:16 am
Title: Chance of Rain

See. LIke everything Jarod does to help her in the aftermath of what he did to her only makes everything 50 times worse. That's realistic. That's how people are. They say stupid things to try to fix the stupid thing they did to someone and they mean well but they just make it worse. Yeah.  Your stories always provoke deeper thinking and... I need to think. It's brilliant.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 04:02 am
Title: Cacophony

Trust. It comes back to trust and will always be about trust. OMG tho this here is a new level of amazing...

"His eyes dropped to her arms. He noted the way she held herself, her hands clutched tightly to the blanket. He reached for the hand that was closest to him, covered it with his own. "Now please, trust me."

"You could ask for something easier," She said. "Ask me to stop time. I could at least take the batteries out of every clock in the house"

Gotta say I love that Jarod tries to seek evidence against himself and make sure he's not going to hurt her again, and worse and just keep hurting her. This makes what I already know comes next all that more horrific. He finally has all these horrible consequences and they are too much and it's funny in a way because he once like consequences after having to simulate reality for so many years in the Centre. He wants to undo the damage and in doing so willl hurt her over and over. It's so plausible because it is Jarod and he wants to heal others. He can't fix this. Will you write a sequel. I need to know what happens after all this. I mean after each ending I would like a sequel for each ending.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 03:58 am
Title: Coming Clean

I can't even right now. Mine=blown

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 03:51 am
Title: If At First You Don't Succeed

oooooh. Omg. The tension is crazy in this pyschological thriller.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 03:06 am
Title: When It All Unravels

The #  8. Jarod's favorite #. I LOVE what you did there and that you keep the continuity because to me in a series the continuity is vital and you always give us a little gift from the series to let us know that yep this is our series!! I love you so much. This is where I'm like yep those pills way back in the earlier chapter were ineffective because Jarod switchedarooed them. I misssed that completely the first time I read this.


REALLY SUPER tense there Mirage. I'm over here squirming and cringing on Parker's behalf. Her "peachy" used to try to cover up what she really felt. The trying to lie to him and say she didn't love him. OMG! "and not fair is Jarod's line"... so TRUE.

His reply and that kiss ... so tender and sweet. He's such a pretender!!!

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 01:56 am
Title: None so blind

So Jarod's mom coming in to the rescue to actually assign blame to her son is something I didn't expect but after her own problems with her husband she might be more empathetic to another woman that has to deal with her husbands son. She knows they are all human.

Oh ohh ohhhh Mirage.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 01:24 am
Title: The Dance We Do

I am kind of babbilng incoherently right now.

It's plausible and so so so so surreal. Thing is it's Jarod and so yeah that makes it even more plausible because he can be CCCrazzzzzzzy. He overexagerrattes so much too and so you show us that but in a way that is so horrifying. His "scared the hell out of you didn't I?" really hammered that home. He knows what he's doing, the acting, and on the series that was all Michael. Michael the actor behind Jarod seems to be really dramatic or .. there's a word for it but my mind is so focused on election results and I'm so drunk right now waiting to hear the best news that Biden wins.... I can't think of the word.. but Michael the actor is really gesture-yyy--ish and sometimes he would get ... when he's Jarod... he would be like SO enraged in character that I swear I see a hint of a smile or just maybe it's madness. AnyWAY you translate him and the gestures and body language and the everything that makes Jarod Jarod yeah you do it so enormously well and you study the man or something? It's horrific and beautiful. You scare me.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/20 01:11 am
Title: Bitter Sweets

She's doing everything she can to appear ok and she's not ok and it's just like her to do that. It's like every too-strong woman to do that kind of thing. You probably do it too. I've done it. It's easier to lie and say we're fine than to spill it out. Right? This story is too plausible. It's scarily plausible.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/11/20 05:16 am
Title: Square One

omg the longing in their voices during that phone conversation and Zach licking the puppy because the puppy licked him lol. I'm an animal lover. Little puppies. Omg. I love this story.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/11/20 05:06 am
Title: Such Sweet Sorrow

Just... wow. Jaw on floor. The gun makes an appearance. again. So much suspense. Wow.

Reviewer: Jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/11/20 04:56 am
Title: Oh, What a Tangled Web

awesomesauce Mirage.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 03:11 am
Title: Fear

Freaking epic! How do you do this? You're brilliant. I know how it ends and still it's so suspenseful and so in character.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 02:31 am
Title: Pretending


"strangely ineffective"

That was a clue I missed the first time I read some of this.

This here and Parker's solution seems reasonable

"But you don't want Sydney, Broots, Angelo, or Ethan to know about us. If Ethan shows up at your house and I answer the door in my boxer shorts we won't have to tell him anything."
"Then don't answer the door in your damned boxers."

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 02:27 am
Title: Inside out. Upside down.

Oh! Oh!!! oh my!! Yes.

Oh my yes!!!!

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 02:18 am
Title: The Best Laid Plans

Who is he today?


Oh yes.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 02:17 am
Title: Give And Take

gah! I'm not logged in. Sorry.

Oh this!!!

"I told you at your parents' home this morning-"

"That isn't what I asked, Parker. Are you always going to be this evasive?"

"Would you prefer a lie?"

"I'd prefer honesty," He answered, bitterly. "I would have preferred being left unrestrained last night- and that you returned to bed. I'd like very much for you to refrain from attempting to ease my mother's innumerable anxieties by using deceptive tactics. I want you to talk to me, really talk to me," He continued melancholily. "More than anything else, however, I wish you would trust me."

She pondered his words for several moments.

"Mm," she returned sardonically, "you have certainly gotten a hell of a jump on your Christmas list."


I mean.. .boom. She seems to taking some sort of revenge, playing with his head and he deserves it but it's dangerous but... it's Parker. Her macho tough guy all bark no bite personality would lead her down this path easily.

Reviewer: jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 01:03 am
Title: A Fire In The Dark

That history makes so much sense and actually makes the series itself make more sense. Parker's witty snark "scotch goes so well with guilt" lol love it. I can see this happening. Those two together... is a pandora's box.

Reviewer: Jameason Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28/10/20 01:00 am
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